Sunday, April 1, 2007


[photo by CJ Hoppel]A couple of months ago, I found out I'd be moving out of my dorm and into an apartment with access to the roof! Of course, my first thought was to create a roof garden.... I do love making things grow =) So, I hatched a vague plan and here it is:

1) plant some seeds to be ready for transplant in May
2) get some 5 gallon paint/anything buckets and paint them so they're pretty =)
3) go to NYC Compost Giveback and get me some buckets of free compost
4) cut some old carpets to size and lay them underneath my buckets of compost so the buckets don't damage the roofing material
5) set the buckets out in an appropriate design
6) mix some Super-Absorbent Polyacrylamide Water Crystals into the compost for flowers
7) mix some manure into the compost for veggies.... Mmmm yummy, good thing my nose doesn't work
8) transplant my seedlings!
9) devise and implement some type of watering system
10) Water, Fertilize, and Watch Grow!!!!
11) Eat the eatibles, Smell the flowers


Pamcakes said...

I'm very interested in starting my own garden and I'm so happy I found your blog! I'm starting here at the beginning so I can learn from all of your experience. Keep up the good work!

Laura said...

Thanks for your interest, Pamcakes! =) Good luck with your garden! I hope it's a great season for gardeners everywhere =)

Anonymous said...

So we're gonna be starting some roof garden projects up here in the heights... I'm trying to figure out how to time the starting of some sprouts...indoors...i'm worried i might plant them too soon and then they'll be huge in the house and not exposed to enough light before it's stops getting cold...what do i do

Laura said...

Hi Anonymous! Thanks for the comment. The timing of sowing seeds depends on what type. I actually should have started my tomato seeds a couple of weeks ago already! For things like lettuce and spinach, they can definitely be started now. For things like zucchini or melons, wait until April or May. It may be better to sow those outdoors.