So, I've been sick for a little under a week. Apart from getting up on the roof yesterday evening, I really hadn't ventured out from my apartment since Wednesday. Even though I'm capable of watering my garden without actually going on the roof, I usually still go up every day or so. Sickness and laziness got the better of me this past week and I didn't go up for several days.

I'm pretty sure I watered my plants on Thursday, but then I didn't water them again until Saturday evening because Friday night we got what I thought was heavy rain. Turns out I was fooled, and when I checked on my plants last night several of them looked crispy. And, I missed the bloom on some of the lilies I've been waiting so patiently for. Such is life!!! Still, even with just 2 petals this one is quite pretty...
In other flower news, my marigolds and cosmos have YET to flower and i'm pretty bored of waiting so I've stopped watering them. They are somewhat of an intentional casualty...
However, some of the other plants that have suffered from drought are my thyme (which was supposed to be drought tolerant! Hmph, but maybe the pigeons got to it), Tomatoes, and Strawberries. The Stupice in particular looks dry, yellow and brown. Eeek!

Another casualty in the last couple weeks was my lettuce, but not due to underwatering. It fell victim to some strange bug I never saw, but whose little black eggs were everywhere. When I saw first saw the damage, about half was eaten. I moved the lettuce far from the rest of my garden (a benefit of growing things in containers), and in the next couple days the rest was eaten up either by the bugs or pigeons. Thankfully those bugs didn't get to anything else. I don't have the heart to post pics of that carnage....
In brighter news! My watermelons are looking good and hopefully ripening soon:

And, the zucchini and yellow squash I seeded around the time of my last post has sprouted and grown quickly. Both plants already have flower buds: